What is Sound Therapy?
Sound therapy is an ancient, effective and proven modality that uses vibrational sound to harmonize the body and balance Body-Mind-Soul.It leads to a deep sense of peace, calm and oneness, meditative like state where the body is allowed to regenerate and heal in its own time. Every one of us has a vibration that is a signature of our health and wellbeing.
Similar to a musical instrument that can fall out of tune by using it, so can our body fall out of vibrational harmony and eventually develop illness.These days stress, negativity and life demands create blockages of a healthy energy flow. First noticeable in our auric field it later can develop as illness in our physical body.
Sound and vibration is used to re-tune our bodies and the use of Tibetan Singing Bowls and Gongs is one of the most powerful modalities to do so.
Through deep relaxation that is caused by the soothing sounds and gentle vibrations, the body is affected on a cellular level. It allows the body to open up to the flow of energy, raise the energy once more. The sounds induce a sense of calm and peacefulness.
Quantum physics shows that everything in this Universe consists of sound, vibration and light. No matter if it is a chair, couch or a tree. The smallest particle is called ‘Quark’ and science has proven that this tiny particle is actually light.So when we use sound/vibrations in sound therapy by using Tibetan Singing Bowls, Didgeridoo ,Gongs etc. we can set an intention for a healing or to have energy flow where ever it is needed. The sound, vibration and light will carry the intention/information for us.
Our body is made to 70% of water, the sound and vibrations cause a ripple effect in our body. Imagine you throw a pebble in the water and it creates concentric circles. This is what happens in your body. Every cell vibrates in its own frequency, when stress or illness occurs the body is not balanced and in its healthy frequency. Sound therapy will bring your body/mind/soul back into harmony.